Breast Implants On The Rise}

Breast Implants on the Rise


Abigail AaronsonMany American women are aware of the focus on body image in the United States as well as in their own lives. Some of these same women are also curious about breast implants and the benefits of having a figure that is personally satisfying.

As a potential patient, it is important that you know what is available in the world of cosmetic surgery. Once you have decided to explore cosmetic surgery, you should educate yourself about the benefits and risks of this type of procedure.

When you see a plastic surgeon, he or she will offer you the choice of saline or silicone implants. The difference between the two is the solution inside.

The saline option is a silicone shell filled with a saltwater solution. The saline filled shell is easier for your body to absorb if it breaks, but one advantage the saline pouch has over the silicone one is that it is used if you want less scarring where the doctor inserts the pouch.

To do that, the surgeon will make a smaller incision and insert the empty silicone rubber shell then fill it with saline once it is in place.

The silicone device, of course, contains a silicone gel in a silicone shell. If you choose the silicone implant, the cut site is larger because the surgeon inserts the fully filled shell.

A benefit of the silicone filled shell, however, is that your breasts will look more natural and symmetrical. The silicone shell is not prone to wrinkling or rippling like the saline one is.

When you are considering augmentation surgery, you must decide if you want a submuscular (beneath the muscle) or a subglandular (between the muscle and mammary tissue) location.

Additionally, you may select the size and profile of your implants. The three profiles allow you to decide how much your new bust line extends from your chest.

As with any medical device placed inside your body, there are risks involved. In the case of your breast implants, the shell may burst or break causing leakage. If this happens, you will need to have the ruptured shell taken out and the escaped fluid removed from the surrounding tissue. Other obvious risks include infection of the incision site, breast pain and changes in nipple sensitivity.

With certain enlargement procedures, there is a risk of capsular contracture (the formation of capsules of collagen fibers around the implants). To repair this often painful and disfiguring condition, your surgeon will have to remove the capsules.

He or she may also reinsert your implants beneath your chest muscle (submuscular) if they were initially beneath the breast tissue. Capsular contracture should be treated immediately because it can cause the implanted shell to rupture.

Caring for your body after your surgery is also important. Doctors recommend that you have an MRI three years after your initial procedure and then once every two years for the life of the breast implants. You should also expect to have at least one replacement surgery.

With the risks, procedures and options available, it may seem like a large body of information to process as you consider surgery. However, knowing what to expect before, during and after your operation makes the entire process smoother. Being prepared for the benefits and risks of breast surgery allows you to meet your augmentation goals.

Know more about Boston Cosmetic Surgeon, who is a licensed plastic surgeon with 25 years of experience with

breast implants

, breast augmentation, and many other aesthetic procedures. He has offices in Plymouth and Quincy, Massachusetts. You can find information on breast enhancement at


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